Hello You,
Fear. Something that we fear in itself sometimes, and yet it's something that every single person has in some way, shape, form or another. It can bring such suffering in ways that can transform how we live our lives and who we believe ourselves to be.
In this episode I explore what fears has meant to me in my life and share a deeply personal story about how I have cultivated my relationship with the energy of fear in my life.
Have a listen or a watch and let me know what resonates.
Don't miss a beat and follow Grounds Podcast with Juel on Spotify, Apple Podcasts,Castbox.
See you soon.
One love,

PS. You can dive into ways to reunite with your essence, pleasure & body with me here.
Juel helps women and non-binary queens re-connect with their inner source of power to create authentic and passionate lives. Creating transformational journeys back to essence.